UDISE Code : 09390500611 | School Code : P.S.033 | Call US:+91 8707666920, +91 9140804143 | Email Id : madhaveduf@gmail.com

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Welcome to

Madhav International School

Soaring High… We reach for the sky!

At Madhav, we believe that every child is special and is full of potential of becoming an extraordinary one. All we need is to find out those positive traits and nurture them positively.

We envision providing an environment with the scope of nurturing and developing a child comprehensively in order to shape the budding emancipated future citizens who are capable to put forward their best and thus building a strong nation.

We are aiming to build an empowered generation through the usage of innovative pedagogy and globally recognized curriculum along with the essence of cultural values and beliefs.

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our mentors

Dr. Urmani Kaushal


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